Monday, January 31, 2011

Ponderings and Musings on the idea of a "Satan" like Devil God of sorts...

Originally Posted On a Myspace Profile Blog -- September 25th, 2008.

Ponderings and Musings on the idea of a "Satan" like Devil God of sorts...(Part Deux - Digitally Remastered)

I Don't necessarily believe in the concept of an "adversary" known as Satan.

When I make mistakes I'd rather own up to them myself instead of having a scapegoat at my fingertips to blame."Oh, sorry it was Satan that made me do it!" always seemed like a poor excuse to me.

From a pure psychological standpoint I think that "Satan" closely resembles our ID as Freudian Psychoanalytical technique would call it. It is our Baser emotions, wants, and desires. Whereas, "GOD" is like our Super-ego the place where our moral fiber, Roy Rogers, Riding in on a white horse, white knight, do-gooder persona and our intellect is kept.

We (humanity) are at the epicenter of that, in the Ego, where our ability to rationalize and balance the two seemingly opposing cosmic forces are housed.

Also, according to Hermetic Principles, Found in the Kabalion.

Principle IV.

The Principle of Polarity.

"everything is "Dual", Everything has poles; Everything has its pair of opposites, Like and Unlike are the same; Opposites are identical in nature but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled. - The Kabalion

Thesis and Antithesis are identical in nature, but vary in degree.

Opposites are really only the two extremes of the same thing, with many varying degrees between them.

So really the Idea of "Satan" the Adversary is really just the polar opposite end of the same phenomena that enables the creator God force to exist as well

Some say that Hate is the opposite of Love, but that is really not the case. Indifference is the opposite of love. Hate and Love are really the same intense emotion just expressed from two opposite ends of the same spectrum.

With that said, though I don't believe in the existance of a literal adversary spiritual being known as "Satan" - I do believe that there are things out there beyond our comprehension that can try to affect changes onto the world - rather it manifests itself to us an "angels", "Demons", "Spirit Guardians" "Spirit Guides" or other phenomina - it is out there.

From a "Christian" stand point some might argue that "The Principle of Polarity doesn't work, regarding God and Satan. For it to work, the two would have to be equals, and they aren't. Satan is a Creation.. God is the Creator. He only has the power he is allowed to have by God"

To Them I would have to say the following: That is where we differ then, becuase I don't believe that the deities created other deities or other "spiritual beings" Angels, Demons, etc. what have you.

For, I believe that they already were.

that they all came into being roughly at the same time.

either by our human psyche..or by supernatural forces beyond our comprehension.

Furthermore, I beleive most things spiritual - Deities, spiritual beings etc. are neither inherently good nor inherently "bad" --- I think that nine times out of ten they are neutral. Instead it is our human desires and wants and wonderlusts that get in the way and distort our intent and make things happen where the spiritual realm is concerned.

I think that either our higher connection to the Divine creator God or Gods is found in our higher consciousness - or in Kabbalistic teachings the "Neshamah" part of our human souls. This separates man from all other lifeforms. It is related to the intellect, and allows man to enjoy and benefit from the afterlife. This part of the soul is provided at birth and allows one to have some awareness of the existence and presence of God. we can tap into this by purification, and practicing our indivdual spiritualities faithfully. and we choose to embrace this. Or we, can choose to embrace the "Adversary" within ourself - or in the kabbalistic teachings the "Nefesh" the lower part, or "animal part", of the soul. It is linked to instincts and bodily cravings. and to help balance the two is the "Ruach" the middle soul, the "spirit". It contains the moral virtues and the ability to distinguish between good and evil.

Kabbalah Soul Teachings.

what are your ideas? surrounding this Phenomenon?


***Hermeticism is set of beliefs and philosophy said to come out of the Egyptian System of Worship. Hermeticism is a set of philosophical and religious beliefs[1] based primarily upon the writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, who is put forth as a wise sage and Egyptian priest, and who is commonly seen as synonymous with the Egyptian god Thoth.

The Kabalion (Kybalion) By: "The Three Initiates" Online -

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