Monday, January 31, 2011

Convert to Paulism Today and recieve a free I *Heart* Paul T-Shirt

Originally Posted On a Myspace Profile Blog -- September 30th, 2007.

Allrighty I've coined a new term for discussing my religious beliefs.

and from this point out this is what I am going to tell them.


What is that?

Universalist Eclectic Neo-Paganism by way of the "Paulist" Path.

What is "PAULISM"? You might be wondering...

where here is a Brief Overview by the Church of Paul: (I.E. ME!)

Neo-Pagan - Universalist.

By way of the "PAULISM" Path.

Basicly Universalist-Eclectic, no formal training with a Tradition.

I study a little bit of everything.

Jack of all Trades but a Master of none.

A little bit of new-age philosophy

General Occultism



a little about the kabblah not much though.. probably more so "Fluffy" its just information i've gathered from New-Age Publications

General Pagan Information

Outer-Court Wicca 101 style Information

A little Eastern Philosophy, I have a copy of the Bhagavad Gita around my house somewhere.

Student of Yeshua/Jesus and his teachings and it from Gnostic sources, mystical/esoteric sources..or mainstream Christian sources.

Practice Magick and Witchcraft ---

as far as actual "witchcraft goes" ..I do a little spell craft not much though....mostly what i ritual magick..from outer-court wicca info...the casting of circle, elementals, envoking the gods, ect.

The reason I do not do much because...I do not feel a need at this point in my life to effect change in my life..I am a pretty content person..and I do not need to use mundane nor magickal means to change my surroundings..I'm pretty content..and easy to please.

I have interest to study a founded Pagan Tradition at some either practice...or to obtain more knowledge...or a little bit of both..its just finding a pagan religion and tradition within that religion I feel comfortable with.

Currently I have too many interests, I like Wicca (at least what I know of it) I've brushed up on pretty much the basic tenets of Asatru, Kemtics, celtic Recon, and Hellenism as well.

and I guess my problem why I cant just pick the natural eclectic in me..I feel it very valuable to learn from many sources.....I'm a Perpetual seeker.

I like to soak up all the knowledge and philosophy and principles that I can...

so its hard for me to really set down and concentrate on one area of study at a time...I'm constantly all over the place.

I've even been known to study and appreciate a Good Atheistic Argument from time to time.

so *Shrugs* I dunno. I am just weird I guess.

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