Monday, January 31, 2011

A brief synopis on the history of Wicca -and some personal commentary.

Originally Posted On a Myspace Profile Blog -- October 15th, 2007.

First of all, i'd like to say I am no Expert on the issues at hand, I am a Universalist Spiritual seeker, who Identifies myself as a Pagan, I have been a Pagan for around 2 years now, and I have read books and had discussions and debates on many aspects of Paganism...Wicca just happens to be one of them...and what I present is information as I have came to know and Understand it...I hope my choice of wordings does not discourage you....I am not against Traditional Initiatory Wicca..nor am I against eclectic Neo-Wiccan or "Outer Court Wiccan Inspired" Pagan paths.

I simply do my best to present both sides, in a very brief 2-3 paragraph blog posting.

Again, I in no way intend to offend, this is simply me sharing with you a brief history of Wicca as I have came to know and Understand it.

Any Critiques, or comments from those who know better than me are strongly encouraged.

Thank You.

Gearld Gardner either created or revived the wiccan religion (depending on which historical account you read) - I lean more towards he created it myself.

He tossed in Things he learned off of Crowley, some O.T.O. Undertones (as Crowley gave him a charter to start up an O.T.O Encampment), Some Hermetics Philosophy, aspects from the Golden Dawn, ceremonial magick, and his involvement with Freemasonry, and "THE NEW FOREST COVEN" a Group of Witches that Gardner may have been involved with.. ( again depending on which historian account you read)

all of this, in Gardners mind, and time and effort Wicca was born.

(also its been known as BTW - British Traditional Wicca *or: Witchcraft*)

at that time I think Gardner spelled it with one c "wica" and Wica was supposed to be pronounced "Witcha" its some kind of anglo-saxon word for a witch.

so this is where witchcraft comes in..yes I believe i've seen writings where Gardner has used both of them interchangeably. - HOWEVER WITCHCRAFT is a Practice, a Skill, just what it claims to be a Trade craft if you will ( you do not even have to be religious to be a Witch -- you could be atheist, or even *gasp* be a Christian Witch * though your fellow Christians will more than likely look down upon you*)

While Wicca is more-so witchcraft with a flare...its a religion in which its practitioners happen to use witchcraft.

then over the years you've had authors publish the outer-court non-oathbound 101 style information mixed in with their own personal bias and opinions. and *POOF* Neo-Wicca or Solitary/Eclectic Wicca is born. Wicca loosely based on the outer court information but a lot of emphasis on individuality. *Also, Keep in mind these authors may not do a good job of accurately portraying Wicca, they have their own agenda in mind and also trying to make a few bucks here and there -- the same thing goes for the authors publishing company*


people can follow the outercourt material...and be "neo-Wicca"..or "wicca Inspired" whichever you prefer...

however there will be information they are not privy to because they are not initiated into a BTW Coven.

the people that study the outercourt material..and know about Gardner, the New forest Coven..and the history of Wicca... I have no problem with.

as a universalist Eclectic Pagan myself..I have no qualms with eclecticism in of problem lies with those who bastardize traditions and then don't admit what their "sources" are so to speak.

the "wiccan-Inspired" pagan that understands wicca..and strives to learn.. I really have no problem with....its those that read one Silver Ravenwolf book..and think that they are a high priestess or priest that I have the problem with.

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