(All Man-Made Religions are false and biased!, are they? hmmmmm.)
Someone on the R&P, or the Religion and Philosophy Forum to you Heathen non-posters. made a post recently going on a diatribe of anti-religious ranting.The Following is my response.
"All Man-made religions are false and biased!"
So that would mean ALL religions are false and biased right?
Even Christianity.
All of the holy texts of the world have been written, edited, compiled, re-written, re-translated, re-edited, parts lost or omitted, parts added, etc. by men, normal every day men, men with their own bias and agenda's.
The holy text of the world are no different than the books we pick up in our local bookstores today. But because they were written centuries, and a Millennia or two ago, people assume that they must be true.
People claim that these writings are "divine" inspired, but since none of us where there we can't say for sure. so we have to rely on the writers of the book to say it's true. "Oh the (insert holy text of your choice here) is true, because it says it's true!" it's circular logic, And Self Edifying sources.
Realizing this, I am able to take the holy text of the world as they are, a compilation of beautiful writing and poetry, describing the divine though the experiences of specific groups of people, realizing that, to me, means that I can enjoy these texts and don't have to feel as if they are at odds with each other, and I am able to appreciate the messages in a somewhat pure form. and am able to utilize the teachings from various texts which speak to me personally.
God, did not sit up in heaven and write the bible up on a typewriter or Microsoft word, and then send it down on a cloud from the sky to the people of the earth.
It was written and compiled by men, just like all the other holy texts of the world. so take them all for what they are worth, beautiful stories with messages about life and morality, kinda like an Aesop fable.
of course, I'm not saying that one can not be a theist, i'm just saying keep the history of the holy texts of the world in context.
I try to rely more so on my personal experiences.
I.E. My Delusions to some.
but overall, I have a live and let live attitude, I don't care what you believe or don't believe, I just think you shouldn't force it onto other people. and if you do choose to believe: own it, take responsibility for your belief, and attempt to understand where it comes from.
I think we would all get along better, if people would just accept people for who and what they are and stop trying to "Save" them er' whatever.
There was plenty more Philosophising and Pwn'ing on my part, and if you're interested the link to the thread in question can be found here:
All man-made religions are false and biased!
Curious as to other's thoughts, and philosophizing, so comment back.
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