Originally Posted On a Myspace Profile Blog -- November 14th, 2007.
I do not believe anyone knows the Absolute Truth when it comes to religious matters.
Some may call me a "relativist"..and maybe they are right.
but hear me out first, mmmkay?
I don't know..nor do I think any one knows, despite what a religious text... *from religions in general not merely just Christendom or what not* Have to say..
the fact is that all of the religious texts ever created in this world were written by the hands of men, under the pretense of "Divinely Inspired"....
so when we read religious texts, all we are getting is MANS Interpretation of how they perceive things.
Christianity, Islam, Paganism, Ect. Pretty much any or all Religion(s)
So I don't think any of us have monopoly on the "truth"..
I've studied a few different perspectives...and that has led me to the beliefs I currently hold. maybe that'll change in the future..as they've changed in the past.
but I don't think ANYONE will know until we die and then we'll see what happens.
This is where the concept of "faith" comes into play, I HAVE FAITH that my conclusions are correct, as do you have the FAITH that yours are correct..and i'll leave it at that.
however, I think if we listen to our hearts, our spirits and our minds intellect it wont steer us wrong.
but I refuse to play the "pascals Wager" game , and just say I respect your right to believe in whatever you choose to believe in, and I want you to respect that about my beliefs as well..now lets live in harmony of one another and strive for the peace of the divine within ourselves.
I believe that is what is important, that we strive to uphold our individual beliefs and the Ideals and concepts behind them..and not worry about the fancy theology in of itself.
Another point of contention all of the "extra canonical" writings...such as the gnostic gospels and whatever.. ( THIS IS GOING TO BE AN ARGUMENT FROM THE CHRISTIAN PROSPECTIVE OBVIOUSLY ).....
what man (men) has/have the authority on earth to say such writings are Divine-Inspired and which are "heretical garbage"?
I just ask, because from my understanding it was the council of Nicaea, about a few thousand years ago *give or take a few years* that basically took all the writings about Christendom and Jesus...and compiled it together and choose what THEY thought were the best and discarded the rest?
My point is: That if that is basically the jest of it, why in the world should we let a group of archaic men a couple thousand years ago *and yet still men and women today* why should we let them, with their imperfect, personal and political biases...
tell us what we should read regarding religion and what we should toss out as being "tools" of the "devil"?
I believe we should read all that we can, from all religious text and sources...no matter if those religious leaders ...believe that those writings are "heretical" for their sect or not...and then draw our OWN conclusions from them (as well as studying the history and the original translations and ect. as the best that we can) ....instead of taking other peoples commentary and findings at face value, simply because we've been told to...
would you agree or disagree with this?
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